Monday, May 31, 2010

The blog post to end all blog posts

Inexplicably it is that time of the year again, the end of semester, and boy has time flown by. It is now the time for reflection, reflection on all blog posts that have come before.

I shall start at the very beginning...

When I first heard that we were required to keep a blog as part of the assessment for this unit I was terrified. It was like in my undergraduate degree when I would quickly check the unit outline to see if there were any assessment requirements that involved giving a tutorial or presentation and then I would get this sickening attack of anxiety that would reappear whenever I was reminded of it. However, like anything in life it gets easier the more you do it. Once the fear of judgement eased I found myself enjoying blogging. It was a great way to reflect on lecture material and really think about the practical applications of the tools we were introduced to. It encouraged me to consider things I had never considered before as teaching tools and to become more 'tech-savvy' along the way. I only recently discovered the 'compose' tab in the creating post section which meant I wrote most of my posts in Html.

The task also allowed me to explore my blogging 'voice' which should probably have a more professional tone but I find it a lot easier to write from an informal perspective. Inspiration needs to strike for me to blog, which lends itself more easily to a more honest, personal voice. I can only write from my experience, although I do like to do research so that I know what I'm talking about and am more familiar with the topic. I may not have backed up my opinions by sound theory enough but I hope that followers still found them either informative or entertaining because I did take it seriously. Although, who am I kidding? You came to my blog for the fish (certainly not my amateur poetry) but hopefully you stayed long enough to check out my Flickr photostream - how cute are my cats?!

So in conclusion, I hope I have successfully got my (or a) point across each week even if it was in an informal matter. It was quite interesting to see all the different approaches the other students took and how much each appreciated the process. I would definitely consider continuing to blog although I wonder if I should adopt a more formal tone if it were to make up my professional portfolio.

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